Sunday, September 21, 2014

Visit #9 - September 12th, 2014

Where we get pelted with rain and then get dumplings afterwards.

Well, if last Friday's weather was any indication, summer is over.

Beth and I stood in the cold, wind and rain for a while.  I think we got in line at...9:15 and weren't inside for maybe 2 hours or so. Usually I wouldn't mind that wait but standing in the rain made it slightly more difficult, but also made the sausages ultimately more rewarding (even though Beth forgot Doug's opened at 10:30am and not 10:00am, which made me the chooch who crushed her dreams for a brief moment there.)

At some point we got a text from Andrew that said something like, "Dougin'?", so we told him to hurry on over and that he did.  We all ate together and were warm, filled with sausage, and generally happy to be alive. 

Double photo as I couldn't get the whole table in one shot for some reason.  Action Doug's.

Afterwards, Andrew drove us to Joong Boo where we bought groceries and these giant $2 dumplings that were insanely good.  We did not need to eat all of that food.

Here's the tally:
Me - thuringer, bacon cheeseburger sausage, corn dog, cheese fries.
Beth - veal sausage, bison sausage.
Andrew - Hot dog (steamed), veal sausage, duck fat fries.

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