Before the word had gotten around that Hot Doug's would be closing, I had been planning on visiting today for a few weeks. It was probably three weeks ago or so when I realized that the semester would be done for me on Thursday night and, by golly, after this semester, I deserved some sausage. So plans were set in place back then that there'd be a Hot Doug's visit today.
Garret sneaks in, thuringer just out of the frame.
Joining me this morning was my good friend Garret. Garret and I have known each other since we were 15 and 14, respectively, and now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure Garret came with me when I first went to Doug's a few years ago when Beth was visiting. If I remember correctly, I had a thuringer, an atomic dog; Garret had two hot dogs; Beth had one sausage I can't remember and one sausage I accidentally almost ate half of because I thought it was one of mine (I think that one was a buffalo sausage); cheese fries were shared between us. I want to say that was in January, 2011*. Then there was the time Garret and I had Hot Doug's while recording the Shikata Ga Nai record at EA. I don't remember what Garret got that time, but I had my trusty thuringer along with some crazy bacon sausage that was pretty insane. So, I guess it was fitting that Garret came along this morning.
After rain threatened the possibility of walking, it cleared up and we got there around 9:50. The line was already about 10-12 people deep. 40 minutes before opening. ON A WEEKDAY. Still, we waited, as you do, because it's worth it. I've said this before and I really mean it - Hot Doug's is the best restaurant in Chicago, period. It's nothing to wait in line for 40 minutes for Doug's. We ordered and we dined like kings at just before 11am.
Here's the tally:
Garret - Andouille with everything, corn dog, duck fat fries, root beer.
Myself - Andouille with caramelized onions, pickle and dark mustard**, thuringer with caramelized onions, corndog***, fries, water.
As we walked to the bus, a woman came up to us and said, "Hey! Did you come from that Doug's place? IS THAT THE LINE??" and after we responded in the affirmative, she ran across the street and got a place in line. I'd like to think she got her food in less than two hours, but I'm not convinced...
*I know, I'm just as surprised as you are that I didn't get here until 2011, but between living out east or in the suburbs, it seemed hard to justify a 60 minute drive to get sausage back then. Now I know better.
**Not really a mustard guy, but in the spirit of trying out different things, it seemed appropriate.
***I like to cap myself at two sausages, but it was Beth's birthday today so when she said, "Get a corndog for me," I did. And then I ate it. Sorry, Beth...
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